[carnet-upgrade.git] / data.sh
1 # Minimum free space on /var after the download, in MB
2 min_var_space=250
4 # carnet-upgrade aborts if these packages are not up to date
5 # name          wanted version
6 needed_versions='
7 amavisd-cn      20030616p10-12
8 apache-cn       1.3.33-5
9 bind9-cn        9.2.4-1
10 clamav-cn       0.91.2-1
11 dovecot-cn      0.99.14-0
12 iptables-cn     1.2.11-6
13 kernel-2.6-cn
14 mysql-cn        4.0.24-10.5
15 ntp-cn  4.2.0a+stable-2sarge1.1
16 openssh-cn      3.8p1-8
17 php4-cn 4.3.11-6
18 postfix-cn      2.1.5-11
19 procmail-cn     3.22-2
20 razor-cn        2.361-0
21 samba-cn        3.0.10-1
22 spamassassin-cn 3.1.7-3
23 squirrelmail-cn 1.4.4-5
24 vsftpd-cn       2.0.3-1
25 xinetd-cn       2.3.13-1
26 aosi-aai        1.6.3
27 aosi-www-aai    1.5.7sarge0
28 freeradius-aai  1.1.7-0
29 openldap-aai    2.2.23-13
30 mysql-common    4.0.24-10sarge3
31 '
33 # Packages to forcibly install before installing the rest with dist-upgrade,
34 # because dist-upgrade would rather remove them.
35 packages_first='
36 php4-odbc
37 php4-xslt
38 amavisd-cn
39 php5-cn
40 squirrelmail-cn
41 mysql-cn
42 '
44 # Packages that provide crucial services, upgrade them before the rest
45 packages_second='
46 bind9-cn bind9
47 openssh-cn openssh-server               
48 clamav-cn clamav-daemon
49 spamassassin-cn spamassassin razor dcc-client
50 postfix-cn
51 dovecot-cn dovecot
52 squirrelmail-cn
53 openldap-aai
54 freeradius-aai freeradius
55 aosi-aai
56 aosi-www-aai
57 ntp-cn ntp
58 vsftpd-cn vsftpd
59 xinetd-cn xinetd        
60 monit-cn
61 munin-cn
62 ossec-hids-cn
63 amavis-stats-cn
64 webalizer-cn
65 '
67 # We want to remove these packages, used in remove_bloat()
68 # nice name             packages to remove
69 bloats='
70 Autoconf        autoconf-cn autoconf
71 Automake        automake-cn automake autotools-dev
72 Bison           bison-cn bison
73 CVS             cvs-cn cvs
74 Expect          expect-cn expect
75 GCC             gcc-2.95-cn gcc-2.95 g++-2.95 gcc-2.95-doc gcc-cn gcc g++ gcc-doc gcc-misc-cn gobjc gpc gcj gij chill g77
76 GDB             gdb-cn gdb
77 Gettext         gettext-cn gettext
78 Make            make-cn make
79 Nessus          nessus-cn nessus nessusd
80 '
81 # php4-gd -> libgd1 -> xlibs -> xfree86-common -> suxx
82 #X Window System                xfree86-common
84 # Check if these services are running after upgrade
85 # package-cn            user            proces (pazi, regexp)                   nice name
86 services_to_check='
87 amavisd-cn              amavis          amavisd [(]master[)]                    Amavis
88 aosi-aai                aosi            /usr/sbin/aosi                          AOSI
89 apache-cn               www-data        /usr/sbin/apache                        Apache
90 bind9-cn                bind            /usr/sbin/named                         Bind
91 clamav-cn               clamav          /usr/bin/freshclam                      ClamAV update
92 clamav-cn               clamav          /usr/sbin/clamd                         ClamAV
93 dovecot-cn              root            /usr/sbin/dovecot                       Dovecot
94 freeradius-cn           freerad         /usr/sbin/freeradius                    FreeRADIUS
95 mysql-cn                mysql           /usr/sbin/mysqld                        MySQL
96 ntp-cn                  ntp             /usr/sbin/ntpd                          ntpd
97 oidentd-cn              oident          /usr/sbin/oidentd                       oidentd
98 openldap-cn             root            /usr/sbin/slapd                         OpenLDAP
99 openssh-cn              root            /usr/sbin/sshd                          OpenSSH
100 postfix-cn              postgrey        /usr/sbin/postgrey                      Postfix greylisting
101 postfix-cn              root            /usr/lib/postfix/master                 Postfix
102 postfix-cn              root            /usr/sbin/saslauthd                     SASL authentication
103 postgresql-cn           postgres        /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster      PostgreSQL
104 proftpd-cn              nobody          proftpd: [(]accepting connections[)]    ProFTPD (mozda se pokrece iz (x)inetd-a)
105 samba-cn                root            /usr/sbin/smbd                          Samba
106 spamassassin-cn         dcc             /usr/sbin/dccifd                        DCC client
107 vsftpd-cn               root            /usr/sbin/vsftpd                        VSFTPD
108 xinetd-cn               root            /usr/sbin/xinetd                        xinetd
109 '