--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+## AV Scanners (Debian version)
+@av_scanners = (
+# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/sophie/
+# ['Sophie',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/sophie'],
+# qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
+# qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ],
+# ### http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/www/projects/SAVI-Perl/
+# ['Sophos SAVI', \&sophos_savi ],
+ ### http://www.clamav.net/
+ ['ClamAV-clamd',
+ \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"],
+ qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
+ qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
+ # NOTE: remember to add the clamav user to the amavis group, and
+ # to properly set clamd to init supplementary groups
+ # When running chrooted one may prefer: ["CONTSCAN {}\n","$MYHOME/clamd"],
+# ### http://www.clamav.net/ and CPAN (memory-hungry! clamd is preferred)
+# ['Mail::ClamAV', \&ask_clamav, "*", [0], [1], qr/^INFECTED: (.+)/],
+# ### http://www.openantivirus.org/
+# ['OpenAntiVirus ScannerDaemon (OAV)',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
+# qr/^OK/, qr/^FOUND: /, qr/^FOUND: (.+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/trophie/
+# ['Trophie',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/trophie'],
+# qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
+# qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ],
+# ### http://www.grisoft.com/
+# ['AVG Anti-Virus',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
+# qr/^200/, qr/^403/, qr/^403 .*?: ([^\r\n]+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.f-prot.com/
+# ['FRISK F-Prot Daemon',
+# \&ask_daemon,
+# ["GET {}/*?-dumb%20-archive%20-packed HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
+# ['','','',
+# '',''] ],
+# qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>clean<\/summary>/,
+# qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>infected<\/summary>/,
+# qr/(?i)<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ],
+# ### http://www.sald.com/, http://www.dials.ru/english/, http://www.drweb.ru/
+# ['DrWebD', \&ask_daemon, # DrWebD 4.31 or later
+# [pack('N',1). # DRWEBD_SCAN_CMD
+# pack('N', # path length
+# length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-yyyymmddTHHMMSS-xxxxx/parts/pxxx")).
+# '{}/*'. # path
+# pack('N',0). # content size
+# pack('N',0),
+# '/var/drweb/run/drwebd.sock',
+# # '/var/amavis/var/run/drwebd.sock', # suitable for chroot
+# # '/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock', # FreeBSD drweb ports default
+# # '', # or over an inet socket
+# ],
+# qr/\A\x00[\x10\x11][\x00\x10]\x00/s, # IS_CLEAN,EVAL_KEY; SKIPPED
+# qr/\A\x00[\x00\x01][\x00\x10][\x20\x40\x80]/s, # KNOWN_V,UNKNOWN_V,V._MODIF
+# qr/\A.{12}(?:infected with )?([^\x00]+)\x00/s,
+# ],
+# # NOTE: If using amavis-milter, change length to:
+# # length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-milter-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/parts/pxxx").
+ ### http://www.kaspersky.com/ (kav4mailservers)
+ ['KasperskyLab AVP - aveclient',
+ ['/usr/local/kav/bin/aveclient','/usr/local/share/kav/bin/aveclient',
+ '/opt/kav/bin/aveclient','aveclient'],
+ '-p /var/run/aveserver -s {}/*', [0,3,6,8], qr/\b(INFECTED|SUSPICION)\b/,
+ qr/(?:INFECTED|SUSPICION) (.+)/,
+ ],
+ ### http://www.kaspersky.com/
+ ['KasperskyLab AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP)', ['avp'],
+ '-* -P -B -Y -O- {}', [0,3,6,8], [2,4], # any use for -A -K ?
+ qr/infected: (.+)/,
+ sub {chdir('/opt/AVP') or die "Can't chdir to AVP: $!"},
+ sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},
+ ],
+ ### The kavdaemon and AVPDaemonClient have been removed from Kasperky
+ ### products and replaced by aveserver and aveclient
+ ['KasperskyLab AVPDaemonClient',
+ [ '/opt/AVP/kavdaemon', 'kavdaemon',
+ '/opt/AVP/AvpDaemonClient', 'AvpDaemonClient',
+ '/opt/AVP/AvpTeamDream', 'AvpTeamDream',
+ '/opt/AVP/avpdc', 'avpdc' ],
+ "-f=$TEMPBASE {}", [0,8], [3,4,5,6], qr/infected: ([^\r\n]+)/ ],
+ # change the startup-script in /etc/init.d/kavd to:
+ # DPARMS="-* -Y -dl -f=/var/amavis /var/amavis"
+ # (or perhaps: DPARMS="-I0 -Y -* /var/amavis" )
+ # adjusting /var/amavis above to match your $TEMPBASE.
+ # The '-f=/var/amavis' is needed if not running it as root, so it
+ # can find, read, and write its pid file, etc., see 'man kavdaemon'.
+ # defUnix.prf: there must be an entry "*/var/amavis" (or whatever
+ # directory $TEMPBASE specifies) in the 'Names=' section.
+ # cd /opt/AVP/DaemonClients; configure; cd Sample; make
+ # cp AvpDaemonClient /opt/AVP/
+ # su - vscan -c "${PREFIX}/kavdaemon ${DPARMS}"
+ ### http://www.hbedv.com/ or http://www.centralcommand.com/
+ ['H+BEDV AntiVir or CentralCommand Vexira Antivirus',
+ ['antivir','vexira'],
+ '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s -z {}', [0], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/,
+ qr/(?x)^\s* (?: ALERT: \s* (?: \[ | [^']* ' ) |
+ (?i) VIRUS:\ .*?\ virus\ '?) ( [^\]\s']+ )/ ],
+ # NOTE: if you only have a demo version, remove -z and add 214, as in:
+ # '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s {}', [0,214], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/,
+ # According to the documentations, the new version of Vexira has
+ # reasonable defaults, one may consider: "--timeout=60 --temp=$TEMPBASE {}"
+ ### http://www.commandsoftware.com/
+ ['Command AntiVirus for Linux', 'csav',
+ '-all -archive -packed {}', [50], [51,52,53],
+ qr/Infection: (.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.symantec.com/
+ ['Symantec CarrierScan via Symantec CommandLineScanner',
+ 'cscmdline', '-a scan -i 1 -v -s {}',
+ qr/^Files Infected:\s+0$/, qr/^Infected\b/,
+ qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.symantec.com/
+ ['Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine',
+ 'savsecls', '-server -mode scanrepair -details -verbose {}',
+ [0], qr/^Infected\b/,
+ qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/ ],
+ # NOTE: check options and patterns to see which entry better applies
+ ### http://www.f-secure.com/products/anti-virus/
+ ['F-Secure Antivirus', 'fsav',
+ '--dumb --mime --archive {}', [0], [3,8],
+ qr/(?:infection|Infected|Suspected): (.+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.avast.com/
+# ['avast! Antivirus daemon',
+# \&ask_daemon, # greets with 220, terminate with QUIT
+# ["SCAN {}\015\012QUIT\015\012", '/var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock'],
+# qr/\t\[\+\]/, qr/\t\[L\]\t/, qr/\t\[L\]\t([^[ \t\015\012]+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.avast.com/
+# ['avast! Antivirus - Client/Server Version', 'avastlite',
+# '-a /var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock -n {}', [0], [1],
+# qr/\t\[L\]\t([^[ \t\015\012]+)/ ],
+ ['CAI InoculateIT', 'inocucmd', # retired product
+ '-sec -nex {}', [0], [100],
+ qr/was infected by virus (.+)/ ],
+ # see: http://www.flatmtn.com/computer/Linux-Antivirus_CAI.html
+ ### http://www3.ca.com/Solutions/Product.asp?ID=156 (ex InoculateIT)
+ ['CAI eTrust Antivirus', 'etrust-wrapper',
+ '-arc -nex -spm h {}', [0], [101],
+ qr/is infected by virus: (.+)/ ],
+ # NOTE: requires suid wrapper around inocmd32; consider flag: -mod reviewer
+ # see http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=amavis-user&m=109229779912783
+ ### http://mks.com.pl/english.html
+ ['MkS_Vir for Linux (beta)', ['mks32','mks'],
+ '-s {}/*', [0], [1,2],
+ qr/--[ \t]*(.+)/ ],
+ ### http://mks.com.pl/english.html
+ ['MkS_Vir daemon', 'mksscan',
+ '-s -q {}', [0], [1..7],
+ qr/^... (\S+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.nod32.com/
+ ['ESET Software NOD32 Command Line Interface v 2.51', 'nod32cli',
+ '--subdir {}', [0,3], [1,2], qr/virus="([^"]+)"/ ],
+# ### http://www.nod32.com/ old
+# ['ESET Software NOD32 - Client/Server Version', 'nod32cli',
+# '-a -r -d recurse --heur standard {}', [0], [10,11],
+# qr/^\S+\s+infected:\s+(.+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.nod32.com/ old
+# ['ESET Software NOD32', 'nod32',
+# '--arch --mail {}', [0], [1,10], qr/^object=.*, virus="(.*?)",/ ],
+# Experimental, based on posting from Rado Dibarbora (Dibo) on 2002-05-31
+# ['ESET Software NOD32 Client/Server (NOD32SS)',
+# \&ask_daemon2, # greets with 200, persistent, terminate with QUIT
+# ["SCAN {}/*\r\n", '' ],
+# qr/^200 File OK/, qr/^201 /, qr/^201 (.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.norman.com/products_nvc.shtml
+ ['Norman Virus Control v5 / Linux', 'nvcc',
+ '-c -l:0 -s -u -temp:$TEMPBASE {}', [0,10,11], [1,2,14],
+ qr/(?i).* virus in .* -> \'(.+)\'/ ],
+ ### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
+ ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'],
+ '-aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}',
+ qr/Number of files infected[ .]*: 0+(?!\d)/,
+ qr/Number of files infected[ .]*: 0*[1-9]/,
+ qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
+# ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'],
+# '-TSR -aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}',
+# [0], [0x10, 0x30, 0x50, 0x70, 0x90, 0xB0, 0xD0, 0xF0],
+# qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/ ],
+# GeCAD AV technology is acquired by Microsoft; RAV has been discontinued.
+# Check your RAV license terms before fiddling with the following two lines!
+# ['GeCAD RAV AntiVirus 8', 'ravav',
+# '--all --archive --mail {}', [1], [2,3,4,5], qr/Infected: (.+)/ ],
+# # NOTE: the command line switches changed with scan engine 8.5 !
+# # (btw, assigning stdin to /dev/null causes RAV to fail)
+ ### http://www.nai.com/
+ ['NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)', 'uvscan',
+ '--secure -rv --mime --summary --noboot - {}', [0], [13],
+ qr/(?x) Found (?:
+ \ the\ (.+)\ (?:virus|trojan) |
+ \ (?:virus|trojan)\ or\ variant\ (.+?)\s*! |
+ :\ (.+)\ NOT\ a\ virus)/,
+ # sub {$ENV{LD_PRELOAD}='/lib/libc.so.6'},
+ # sub {delete $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}},
+ ],
+ # NOTE1: with RH9: force the dynamic linker to look at /lib/libc.so.6 before
+ # anything else by setting environment variable LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libc.so.6
+ # and then clear it when finished to avoid confusing anything else.
+ # NOTE2: to treat encrypted files as viruses replace the [13] with:
+ # qr/^\s{5,}(Found|is password-protected|.*(virus|trojan))/
+ ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
+ ['VirusBuster', ['vbuster', 'vbengcl'],
+ # VirusBuster Ltd. does not support the daemon version for the workstation
+ # engine (vbuster-eng-1.12-linux-i386-libc6.tgz) any longer. The names of
+ # binaries, some parameters AND return codes have changed (from 3 to 1).
+ "{} -ss -i '*' -log=$MYHOME/vbuster.log", [0], [1],
+ qr/: '(.*)' - Virus/ ],
+# ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
+# ['VirusBuster (Client + Daemon)', 'vbengd',
+# # HINT: for an infected file it always returns 3,
+# # although the man-page tells a different story
+# '-f -log scandir {}', [0], [3],
+# qr/Virus found = (.*);/ ],
+ ### http://www.cyber.com/
+ ['CyberSoft VFind', 'vfind',
+ '--vexit {}/*', [0], [23], qr/##==>>>> VIRUS ID: CVDL (.+)/,
+ # sub {$ENV{VSTK_HOME}='/usr/lib/vstk'},
+ ],
+ ### http://www.avast.com/
+ ['avast! Antivirus', ['/usr/bin/avastcmd','avastcmd'],
+ '-a -i -n -t=A {}', [0], [1], qr/\binfected by:\s+([^ \t\n\[\]]+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.ikarus-software.com/
+ ['Ikarus AntiVirus for Linux', 'ikarus',
+ '{}', [0], [40], qr/Signature (.+) found/ ],
+ ### http://www.bitdefender.com/
+ ['BitDefender', 'bdc',
+ '--arc --mail {}', qr/^Infected files *:0+(?!\d)/,
+ qr/^(?:Infected files|Identified viruses|Suspect files) *:0*[1-9]/,
+ qr/(?:suspected|infected): (.*)(?:\033|$)/ ],
+ # consider also: --all --nowarn --alev=15 --flev=15. The --all argument may
+ # not apply to your version of bdc, check documentation and see 'bdc --help'
+# ['File::Scan', sub {Amavis::AV::ask_av(sub{
+# use File::Scan; my($fn)=@_;
+# my($f)=File::Scan->new(max_txt_size=>0, max_bin_size=>0);
+# my($vname) = $f->scan($fn);
+# $f->error ? (2,"Error: ".$f->error)
+# : ($vname ne '') ? (1,"$vname FOUND") : (0,"Clean")}, @_) },
+# ["{}/*"], [0], [1], qr/^(.*) FOUND$/ ],
+ ### example: fully-fledged checker for JPEG marker segments of invalid length
+ ['check-jpeg',
+ sub { use JpegTester (); Amavis::AV::ask_av(\&JpegTester::test_jpeg, @_) },
+ ["{}/*"], undef, [1], qr/^(bad jpeg: .*)$/ ],
+ # NOTE: place file JpegTester.pm somewhere where Perl can find it,
+ # for example in /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl
+@av_scanners_backup = (
+ ### http://www.clamav.net/ - backs up clamd or Mail::ClamAV
+ ['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
+ "--stdout --no-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}",
+ [0], qr/:.*\sFOUND$/, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
+ ### http://www.f-prot.com/ - backs up F-Prot Daemon
+ ['FRISK F-Prot Antivirus', ['f-prot','f-prot.sh'],
+ '-dumb -archive -packed {}', [0,8], [3,6],
+ qr/Infection: (.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.trendmicro.com/ - backs up Trophie
+ ['Trend Micro FileScanner', ['/etc/iscan/vscan','vscan'],
+ '-za -a {}', [0], qr/Found virus/, qr/Found virus (.+) in/ ],
+ ### http://www.sald.com/, http://drweb.imshop.de/ - backs up DrWebD
+ ['drweb - DrWeb Antivirus',
+ ['/usr/local/drweb/drweb', '/opt/drweb/drweb', 'drweb'],
+ '-path={} -al -go -ot -cn -upn -ok-',
+ [0,32], [1,9,33], qr' infected (?:with|by)(?: virus)? (.*)$'],
+ ['KasperskyLab kavscanner', ['/opt/kav/bin/kavscanner','kavscanner'],
+ '-i1 -xp {}', [0,10,15], [5,20,21,25],
+ sub {chdir('/opt/kav/bin') or die "Can't chdir to kav: $!"},
+ sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},
+ ],
+# Commented out because the name 'sweep' clashes with Debian and FreeBSD
+# package/port of an audio editor. Make sure the correct 'sweep' is found
+# in the path when enabling.
+# ### http://www.sophos.com/ - backs up Sophie or SAVI-Perl
+# ['Sophos Anti Virus (sweep)', 'sweep',
+# '-nb -f -all -rec -ss -sc -archive -cab -tnef --no-reset-atime {}',
+# [0,2], qr/Virus .*? found/,
+# qr/^>>> Virus(?: fragment)? '?(.*?)'? found/,
+# ],
+# # other options to consider: -mime -oe -idedir=/usr/local/sav
+# always succeeds (uncomment to consider mail clean if all other scanners fail)
+# ['always-clean', sub {0}],
+1; # ensure a defined return
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+## AV Scanners (Debian version)
+@av_scanners = (
+# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/sophie/
+# ['Sophie',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/sophie'],
+# qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
+# qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ],
+# ### http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/www/projects/SAVI-Perl/
+# ['Sophos SAVI', \&sophos_savi ],
+ ### http://www.clamav.net/
+ ['ClamAV-clamd',
+ \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"],
+ qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
+ qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
+ # NOTE: remember to add the clamav user to the amavis group, and
+ # to properly set clamd to init supplementary groups
+ # When running chrooted one may prefer: ["CONTSCAN {}\n","$MYHOME/clamd"],
+# ### http://www.clamav.net/ and CPAN (memory-hungry! clamd is preferred)
+# ['Mail::ClamAV', \&ask_clamav, "*", [0], [1], qr/^INFECTED: (.+)/],
+# ### http://www.openantivirus.org/
+# ['OpenAntiVirus ScannerDaemon (OAV)',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
+# qr/^OK/, qr/^FOUND: /, qr/^FOUND: (.+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.vanja.com/tools/trophie/
+# ['Trophie',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["{}/\n", '/var/run/trophie'],
+# qr/(?x)^ 0+ ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/, qr/(?x)^ 1 ( : | [\000\r\n]* $)/,
+# qr/(?x)^ [-+]? \d+ : (.*?) [\000\r\n]* $/ ],
+# ### http://www.grisoft.com/
+# ['AVG Anti-Virus',
+# \&ask_daemon, ["SCAN {}\n", ''],
+# qr/^200/, qr/^403/, qr/^403 .*?: ([^\r\n]+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.f-prot.com/
+# ['FRISK F-Prot Daemon',
+# \&ask_daemon,
+# ["GET {}/*?-dumb%20-archive%20-packed HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
+# ['','','',
+# '',''] ],
+# qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>clean<\/summary>/,
+# qr/(?i)<summary[^>]*>infected<\/summary>/,
+# qr/(?i)<name>(.+)<\/name>/ ],
+# ### http://www.sald.com/, http://www.dials.ru/english/, http://www.drweb.ru/
+# ['DrWebD', \&ask_daemon, # DrWebD 4.31 or later
+# [pack('N',1). # DRWEBD_SCAN_CMD
+# pack('N', # path length
+# length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-yyyymmddTHHMMSS-xxxxx/parts/pxxx")).
+# '{}/*'. # path
+# pack('N',0). # content size
+# pack('N',0),
+# '/var/drweb/run/drwebd.sock',
+# # '/var/amavis/var/run/drwebd.sock', # suitable for chroot
+# # '/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock', # FreeBSD drweb ports default
+# # '', # or over an inet socket
+# ],
+# qr/\A\x00[\x10\x11][\x00\x10]\x00/s, # IS_CLEAN,EVAL_KEY; SKIPPED
+# qr/\A\x00[\x00\x01][\x00\x10][\x20\x40\x80]/s, # KNOWN_V,UNKNOWN_V,V._MODIF
+# qr/\A.{12}(?:infected with )?([^\x00]+)\x00/s,
+# ],
+# # NOTE: If using amavis-milter, change length to:
+# # length("$TEMPBASE/amavis-milter-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/parts/pxxx").
+ ### http://www.kaspersky.com/ (kav4mailservers)
+ ['KasperskyLab AVP - aveclient',
+ ['/usr/local/kav/bin/aveclient','/usr/local/share/kav/bin/aveclient',
+ '/opt/kav/bin/aveclient','aveclient'],
+ '-p /var/run/aveserver -s {}/*', [0,3,6,8], qr/\b(INFECTED|SUSPICION)\b/,
+ qr/(?:INFECTED|SUSPICION) (.+)/,
+ ],
+ ### http://www.kaspersky.com/
+ ['KasperskyLab AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP)', ['avp'],
+ '-* -P -B -Y -O- {}', [0,3,6,8], [2,4], # any use for -A -K ?
+ qr/infected: (.+)/,
+ sub {chdir('/opt/AVP') or die "Can't chdir to AVP: $!"},
+ sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},
+ ],
+ ### The kavdaemon and AVPDaemonClient have been removed from Kasperky
+ ### products and replaced by aveserver and aveclient
+ ['KasperskyLab AVPDaemonClient',
+ [ '/opt/AVP/kavdaemon', 'kavdaemon',
+ '/opt/AVP/AvpDaemonClient', 'AvpDaemonClient',
+ '/opt/AVP/AvpTeamDream', 'AvpTeamDream',
+ '/opt/AVP/avpdc', 'avpdc' ],
+ "-f=$TEMPBASE {}", [0,8], [3,4,5,6], qr/infected: ([^\r\n]+)/ ],
+ # change the startup-script in /etc/init.d/kavd to:
+ # DPARMS="-* -Y -dl -f=/var/amavis /var/amavis"
+ # (or perhaps: DPARMS="-I0 -Y -* /var/amavis" )
+ # adjusting /var/amavis above to match your $TEMPBASE.
+ # The '-f=/var/amavis' is needed if not running it as root, so it
+ # can find, read, and write its pid file, etc., see 'man kavdaemon'.
+ # defUnix.prf: there must be an entry "*/var/amavis" (or whatever
+ # directory $TEMPBASE specifies) in the 'Names=' section.
+ # cd /opt/AVP/DaemonClients; configure; cd Sample; make
+ # cp AvpDaemonClient /opt/AVP/
+ # su - vscan -c "${PREFIX}/kavdaemon ${DPARMS}"
+ ### http://www.hbedv.com/ or http://www.centralcommand.com/
+ ['H+BEDV AntiVir or CentralCommand Vexira Antivirus',
+ ['antivir','vexira'],
+ '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s -z {}', [0], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/,
+ qr/(?x)^\s* (?: ALERT: \s* (?: \[ | [^']* ' ) |
+ (?i) VIRUS:\ .*?\ virus\ '?) ( [^\]\s']+ )/ ],
+ # NOTE: if you only have a demo version, remove -z and add 214, as in:
+ # '--allfiles -noboot -nombr -rs -s {}', [0,214], qr/ALERT:|VIRUS:/,
+ # According to the documentations, the new version of Vexira has
+ # reasonable defaults, one may consider: "--timeout=60 --temp=$TEMPBASE {}"
+ ### http://www.commandsoftware.com/
+ ['Command AntiVirus for Linux', 'csav',
+ '-all -archive -packed {}', [50], [51,52,53],
+ qr/Infection: (.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.symantec.com/
+ ['Symantec CarrierScan via Symantec CommandLineScanner',
+ 'cscmdline', '-a scan -i 1 -v -s {}',
+ qr/^Files Infected:\s+0$/, qr/^Infected\b/,
+ qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.symantec.com/
+ ['Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine',
+ 'savsecls', '-server -mode scanrepair -details -verbose {}',
+ [0], qr/^Infected\b/,
+ qr/^(?:Info|Virus Name):\s+(.+)/ ],
+ # NOTE: check options and patterns to see which entry better applies
+ ### http://www.f-secure.com/products/anti-virus/
+ ['F-Secure Antivirus', 'fsav',
+ '--dumb --mime --archive {}', [0], [3,8],
+ qr/(?:infection|Infected|Suspected): (.+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.avast.com/
+# ['avast! Antivirus daemon',
+# \&ask_daemon, # greets with 220, terminate with QUIT
+# ["SCAN {}\015\012QUIT\015\012", '/var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock'],
+# qr/\t\[\+\]/, qr/\t\[L\]\t/, qr/\t\[L\]\t([^[ \t\015\012]+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.avast.com/
+# ['avast! Antivirus - Client/Server Version', 'avastlite',
+# '-a /var/run/avast4/mailscanner.sock -n {}', [0], [1],
+# qr/\t\[L\]\t([^[ \t\015\012]+)/ ],
+ ['CAI InoculateIT', 'inocucmd', # retired product
+ '-sec -nex {}', [0], [100],
+ qr/was infected by virus (.+)/ ],
+ # see: http://www.flatmtn.com/computer/Linux-Antivirus_CAI.html
+ ### http://www3.ca.com/Solutions/Product.asp?ID=156 (ex InoculateIT)
+ ['CAI eTrust Antivirus', 'etrust-wrapper',
+ '-arc -nex -spm h {}', [0], [101],
+ qr/is infected by virus: (.+)/ ],
+ # NOTE: requires suid wrapper around inocmd32; consider flag: -mod reviewer
+ # see http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=amavis-user&m=109229779912783
+ ### http://mks.com.pl/english.html
+ ['MkS_Vir for Linux (beta)', ['mks32','mks'],
+ '-s {}/*', [0], [1,2],
+ qr/--[ \t]*(.+)/ ],
+ ### http://mks.com.pl/english.html
+ ['MkS_Vir daemon', 'mksscan',
+ '-s -q {}', [0], [1..7],
+ qr/^... (\S+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.nod32.com/
+ ['ESET Software NOD32 Command Line Interface v 2.51', 'nod32cli',
+ '--subdir {}', [0,3], [1,2], qr/virus="([^"]+)"/ ],
+# ### http://www.nod32.com/ old
+# ['ESET Software NOD32 - Client/Server Version', 'nod32cli',
+# '-a -r -d recurse --heur standard {}', [0], [10,11],
+# qr/^\S+\s+infected:\s+(.+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.nod32.com/ old
+# ['ESET Software NOD32', 'nod32',
+# '--arch --mail {}', [0], [1,10], qr/^object=.*, virus="(.*?)",/ ],
+# Experimental, based on posting from Rado Dibarbora (Dibo) on 2002-05-31
+# ['ESET Software NOD32 Client/Server (NOD32SS)',
+# \&ask_daemon2, # greets with 200, persistent, terminate with QUIT
+# ["SCAN {}/*\r\n", '' ],
+# qr/^200 File OK/, qr/^201 /, qr/^201 (.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.norman.com/products_nvc.shtml
+ ['Norman Virus Control v5 / Linux', 'nvcc',
+ '-c -l:0 -s -u -temp:$TEMPBASE {}', [0,10,11], [1,2,14],
+ qr/(?i).* virus in .* -> \'(.+)\'/ ],
+ ### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
+ ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'],
+ '-aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}',
+ qr/Number of files infected[ .]*: 0+(?!\d)/,
+ qr/Number of files infected[ .]*: 0*[1-9]/,
+ qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/ ],
+# ### http://www.pandasoftware.com/
+# ['Panda Antivirus for Linux', ['pavcl'],
+# '-TSR -aut -aex -heu -cmp -nbr -nor -nso -eng {}',
+# [0], [0x10, 0x30, 0x50, 0x70, 0x90, 0xB0, 0xD0, 0xF0],
+# qr/Found virus :\s*(\S+)/ ],
+# GeCAD AV technology is acquired by Microsoft; RAV has been discontinued.
+# Check your RAV license terms before fiddling with the following two lines!
+# ['GeCAD RAV AntiVirus 8', 'ravav',
+# '--all --archive --mail {}', [1], [2,3,4,5], qr/Infected: (.+)/ ],
+# # NOTE: the command line switches changed with scan engine 8.5 !
+# # (btw, assigning stdin to /dev/null causes RAV to fail)
+ ### http://www.nai.com/
+ ['NAI McAfee AntiVirus (uvscan)', 'uvscan',
+ '--secure -rv --mime --summary --noboot - {}', [0], [13],
+ qr/(?x) Found (?:
+ \ the\ (.+)\ (?:virus|trojan) |
+ \ (?:virus|trojan)\ or\ variant\ (.+?)\s*! |
+ :\ (.+)\ NOT\ a\ virus)/,
+ # sub {$ENV{LD_PRELOAD}='/lib/libc.so.6'},
+ # sub {delete $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}},
+ ],
+ # NOTE1: with RH9: force the dynamic linker to look at /lib/libc.so.6 before
+ # anything else by setting environment variable LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libc.so.6
+ # and then clear it when finished to avoid confusing anything else.
+ # NOTE2: to treat encrypted files as viruses replace the [13] with:
+ # qr/^\s{5,}(Found|is password-protected|.*(virus|trojan))/
+ ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
+ ['VirusBuster', ['vbuster', 'vbengcl'],
+ # VirusBuster Ltd. does not support the daemon version for the workstation
+ # engine (vbuster-eng-1.12-linux-i386-libc6.tgz) any longer. The names of
+ # binaries, some parameters AND return codes have changed (from 3 to 1).
+ "{} -ss -i '*' -log=$MYHOME/vbuster.log", [0], [1],
+ qr/: '(.*)' - Virus/ ],
+# ### http://www.virusbuster.hu/en/
+# ['VirusBuster (Client + Daemon)', 'vbengd',
+# # HINT: for an infected file it always returns 3,
+# # although the man-page tells a different story
+# '-f -log scandir {}', [0], [3],
+# qr/Virus found = (.*);/ ],
+ ### http://www.cyber.com/
+ ['CyberSoft VFind', 'vfind',
+ '--vexit {}/*', [0], [23], qr/##==>>>> VIRUS ID: CVDL (.+)/,
+ # sub {$ENV{VSTK_HOME}='/usr/lib/vstk'},
+ ],
+ ### http://www.avast.com/
+ ['avast! Antivirus', ['/usr/bin/avastcmd','avastcmd'],
+ '-a -i -n -t=A {}', [0], [1], qr/\binfected by:\s+([^ \t\n\[\]]+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.ikarus-software.com/
+ ['Ikarus AntiVirus for Linux', 'ikarus',
+ '{}', [0], [40], qr/Signature (.+) found/ ],
+ ### http://www.bitdefender.com/
+ ['BitDefender', 'bdc',
+ '--arc --mail {}', qr/^Infected files *:0+(?!\d)/,
+ qr/^(?:Infected files|Identified viruses|Suspect files) *:0*[1-9]/,
+ qr/(?:suspected|infected): (.*)(?:\033|$)/ ],
+ # consider also: --all --nowarn --alev=15 --flev=15. The --all argument may
+ # not apply to your version of bdc, check documentation and see 'bdc --help'
+# ['File::Scan', sub {Amavis::AV::ask_av(sub{
+# use File::Scan; my($fn)=@_;
+# my($f)=File::Scan->new(max_txt_size=>0, max_bin_size=>0);
+# my($vname) = $f->scan($fn);
+# $f->error ? (2,"Error: ".$f->error)
+# : ($vname ne '') ? (1,"$vname FOUND") : (0,"Clean")}, @_) },
+# ["{}/*"], [0], [1], qr/^(.*) FOUND$/ ],
+ ### example: fully-fledged checker for JPEG marker segments of invalid length
+ ['check-jpeg',
+ sub { use JpegTester (); Amavis::AV::ask_av(\&JpegTester::test_jpeg, @_) },
+ ["{}/*"], undef, [1], qr/^(bad jpeg: .*)$/ ],
+ # NOTE: place file JpegTester.pm somewhere where Perl can find it,
+ # for example in /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl
+@av_scanners_backup = (
+ ### http://www.clamav.net/ - backs up clamd or Mail::ClamAV
+ ['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
+ "--stdout --disable-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}",
+ [0], qr/:.*\sFOUND$/, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
+ ### http://www.f-prot.com/ - backs up F-Prot Daemon
+ ['FRISK F-Prot Antivirus', ['f-prot','f-prot.sh'],
+ '-dumb -archive -packed {}', [0,8], [3,6],
+ qr/Infection: (.+)/ ],
+ ### http://www.trendmicro.com/ - backs up Trophie
+ ['Trend Micro FileScanner', ['/etc/iscan/vscan','vscan'],
+ '-za -a {}', [0], qr/Found virus/, qr/Found virus (.+) in/ ],
+ ### http://www.sald.com/, http://drweb.imshop.de/ - backs up DrWebD
+ ['drweb - DrWeb Antivirus',
+ ['/usr/local/drweb/drweb', '/opt/drweb/drweb', 'drweb'],
+ '-path={} -al -go -ot -cn -upn -ok-',
+ [0,32], [1,9,33], qr' infected (?:with|by)(?: virus)? (.*)$'],
+ ['KasperskyLab kavscanner', ['/opt/kav/bin/kavscanner','kavscanner'],
+ '-i1 -xp {}', [0,10,15], [5,20,21,25],
+ sub {chdir('/opt/kav/bin') or die "Can't chdir to kav: $!"},
+ sub {chdir($TEMPBASE) or die "Can't chdir back to $TEMPBASE $!"},
+ ],
+# Commented out because the name 'sweep' clashes with Debian and FreeBSD
+# package/port of an audio editor. Make sure the correct 'sweep' is found
+# in the path when enabling.
+# ### http://www.sophos.com/ - backs up Sophie or SAVI-Perl
+# ['Sophos Anti Virus (sweep)', 'sweep',
+# '-nb -f -all -rec -ss -sc -archive -cab -tnef --no-reset-atime {}',
+# [0,2], qr/Virus .*? found/,
+# qr/^>>> Virus(?: fragment)? '?(.*?)'? found/,
+# ],
+# # other options to consider: -mime -oe -idedir=/usr/local/sav
+# always succeeds (uncomment to consider mail clean if all other scanners fail)
+# ['always-clean', sub {0}],
+1; # ensure a defined return
--- /dev/null
+# This files tells the console-tools package:
+# - whether to load a specific font and boot (and maybe a screen-font map,
+# but you should avoid that if possible).
+# - whether to setup an Application-Charset Map other than the default CP437.
+# - whether to start "vcstime" to have time on all text VC'S.
+# You can also specify per-VC settings by suffixing variable names as in
+# the examples below. This only works on framebuffer devices.
+# - When using the new framebuffer devices, the "global setting" for a font
+# only affects the current console (ie., at boot-time, the first one)
+# - ACM setting involves 2 steps (maybe loading a user ACM, and activating
+# it on a given charset slot - see charset(1) for details), the 1st of which
+# affects the entire system, but the 2nd of which only affects the current
+# VC (ie., at boot-time, the first one). So that if you want to use the same
+# ACM on all VCs, you have to specify "APP_CHARSET_MAP_vc<N>=user" for all
+# relevant values of <N>.
+# Example:
+# Set the following - more euro-friendly default than kernel font.
+# SCREEN_FONT=latcyrheb-sun16.psf
+# Forget this one unless you _know_ it is necessary for your font:
+# **** screen saver/DPMS settings: all VCs ****
+# These settings are commented by default to avoid the chance of damage to
+# very old monitors that don't support DPMS signalling.
+# screen blanking timeout. monitor remains on, but the screen is cleared to
+# range: 0-60 min (0==never) kernels I've looked at default to 10 minutes.
+# (see linux/drivers/char/console.c)
+# blanking method (VESA DPMS mode to use after BLANK_TIME, before powerdown):
+# on: the default, no DPMS signalling. near instant powerup, no power saving
+# vsync: DPMS Standby mode. nearly instant recovery, uses 110/120W (17" screen)
+# hsync: DPMS Suspend mode. typically 3s recovery, uses 15/120W (17" screen)
+# powerdown,off: DPMS Off mode, typ. 10s recovery, uses 5/120W (17" screen)
+# Those values are for my 17" Mag, but some monitors do suspend the same as
+# standby. xset dpms force {off|standby|suspend|on} is useful for this, if X
+# supports DPMS on your video card. Set X's DPMS screensaver with xset dpms
+# or use option power_saver in XF86Config
+# DPMS set by default to on, because hsync can cause problems on certain
+# hardware, such as Armada E500 laptops
+# Powerdown time. The console will go to DPMS Off mode POWERDOWN_TIME
+# minutes _after_ blanking. (POWERDOWN_TIME + BLANK_TIME after the last input)
+# rate and delay can get only specific values, consult kbdrate(1) for help
+# Turn on numlock by default
--- /dev/null
+# This files tells the console-tools package:
+# - whether to load a specific font and boot (and maybe a screen-font map,
+# but you should avoid that if possible).
+# - whether to setup an Application-Charset Map other than the default CP437.
+# - whether to start "vcstime" to have time on all text VC'S.
+# You can also specify per-VC settings by suffixing variable names as in
+# the examples below. This only works on framebuffer devices.
+# - When using the new framebuffer devices, the "global setting" for a font
+# only affects the current console (ie., at boot-time, the first one)
+# - ACM setting involves 2 steps (maybe loading a user ACM, and activating
+# it on a given charset slot - see charset(1) for details), the 1st of which
+# affects the entire system, but the 2nd of which only affects the current
+# VC (ie., at boot-time, the first one). So that if you want to use the same
+# ACM on all VCs, you have to specify "APP_CHARSET_MAP_vc<N>=user" for all
+# relevant values of <N>.
+# Example:
+# Set the following - more euro-friendly default than kernel font.
+# SCREEN_FONT=latcyrheb-sun16.psf
+# Forget this one unless you _know_ it is necessary for your font:
+# **** screen saver/DPMS settings: all VCs ****
+# These settings are commented by default to avoid the chance of damage to
+# very old monitors that don't support DPMS signalling.
+# screen blanking timeout. monitor remains on, but the screen is cleared to
+# range: 0-60 min (0==never) kernels I've looked at default to 10 minutes.
+# (see linux/drivers/char/console.c)
+# blanking method (VESA DPMS mode to use after BLANK_TIME, before powerdown):
+# on: the default, no DPMS signalling. near instant powerup, no power saving
+# vsync: DPMS Standby mode. nearly instant recovery, uses 110/120W (17" screen)
+# hsync: DPMS Suspend mode. typically 3s recovery, uses 15/120W (17" screen)
+# powerdown,off: DPMS Off mode, typ. 10s recovery, uses 5/120W (17" screen)
+# Those values are for my 17" Mag, but some monitors do suspend the same as
+# standby. xset dpms force {off|standby|suspend|on} is useful for this, if X
+# supports DPMS on your video card. Set X's DPMS screensaver with xset dpms
+# or use option power_saver in XF86Config
+# DPMS set by default to on, because hsync can cause problems on certain
+# hardware, such as Armada E500 laptops
+# Powerdown time. The console will go to DPMS Off mode POWERDOWN_TIME
+# minutes _after_ blanking. (POWERDOWN_TIME + BLANK_TIME after the last input)
+# rate and delay can get only specific values, consult kbdrate(1) for help
+# Turn on numlock by default
# Daily maintenance for amavisd-new
-# $Id: amavisd-new.cron.daily,v 1.8 2006/08/10 13:38:45 hmh Exp $
+# $Id: amavisd-new.cron.daily 930 2006-08-10 13:38:45Z hmh $
test -e /usr/sbin/amavisd-new-cronjob && exec /usr/sbin/amavisd-new-cronjob sa-clean 1>/dev/null 2>&1
# Daily maintenance for amavisd-new
-# $Id: amavisd-new.cron.daily,v 1.8 2006/08/10 13:38:45 hmh Exp $
+# $Id: amavisd-new.cron.daily 930 2006-08-10 13:38:45Z hmh $
test -e /usr/sbin/amavisd-new-cronjob && exec /usr/sbin/amavisd-new-cronjob sa-clean
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+# options for daemons:
+# name init.d/script user ps name for pgrep -f pidfile, relative to /var/run num-fds last-fd-name
+clamd clamav-daemon clamav /usr/sbin/clamd clamav/clamd.pid 5 clamav.log
+amavis amavis.amavisd-new amavis amavisd \\(master\\) amavis/amavisd.pid 5 socket
+# note: pgrep -f takes a regexp, and this is shell expanded once, hence \\
+start () {
+ local daemon IFSOLD name script user psname pidfile num fdname
+ daemon="$1"
+ IFS=" " # tab
+ read name script user psname pidfile num fdname <<-EOPTS
+ $(echo "$options" | sed 's/ */ /g' | grep ^$daemon)
+ /etc/init.d/$script start
+ wait_for_fds "$daemon"
+stop () {
+ local daemon IFSOLD name script user psname pidfile num fdname
+ daemon="$1"
+ n=10
+ IFS=" " # tab
+ read name script user psname pidfile num fdname <<-EOPTS
+ $(echo "$options" | sed 's/ */ /g' | grep ^$daemon)
+ /etc/init.d/$script stop
+ pkill -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null || true
+ while pgrep -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null && [ "$n" -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ n=$(($n-1))
+ done
+ pkill -9 -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null || true
+ #pkill -9 -u $user -x "$daemon"
+ if pgrep -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null; then # still there?
+ return 1
+ fi
+wait_for_fds () {
+ # wait until process shows some I/O readiness :)
+ local name IFSOLD num sleep maxtry script user psname pidfile fdname
+ name="$1"
+ [ -z "$name" ] && return 1
+ IFS=" " # tab
+ read name script user psname pidfile num fdname <<-EOPTS
+ $(echo "$options" | sed 's/ */ /g' | grep ^$name)
+ num=${num:-4}
+ sleep=${sleep:-1}
+ maxtry=${maxtry:-90}
+ if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then
+ pidfile=/var/run/$pidfile
+ findpid="[ -f $pidfile ] && cat $pidfile || true"
+ else
+ findpid="pgrep -u $user -f \"$psname\" -P 1 | head -1"
+ fi
+ # loop the loop the loop
+ try=1
+ while /bin/true
+ do
+ sleep $sleep # 1st, give it a chance to run
+ pid=`eval $findpid` # 2nd: find it
+ if [ ! -z "$pid" ]; then
+ count=`ls -1 /proc/$pid/fd 2>/dev/null| wc -l` # 3rd: count all it's worth
+ [ "$count" -ge "$num" ] && ls -l /proc/$pid/fd | grep -q $fdname \
+ && return # success -- release
+ fi
+ try=$(($try+1))
+ [ "0$try" -ge "0$maxtry" ] && return 1 # no luck this time
+ done
+# if we're called as amavisd-cn or amavis with start argument,
+# act like one; otherwise, pass the call down
+case "$(basename $0)" in
+ amavisd-cn)
+ arg="i$1"
+ ;;
+ amavis)
+ if [ "$1" = start ]; then
+ arg="i$1"
+ else
+ arg="$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ arg="$1"
+ ;;
+# If there's no diversion, play possum
+[ -x /etc/init.d/amavis.amavisd-new ] || exit 0
+case "$arg" in
+ start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|debug)
+ /etc/init.d/amavis.amavisd-new "$arg"
+ ;;
+ istart)
+ start clamd
+ start amavis
+ /etc/init.d/$mta start
+ ;;
+ istop)
+ /etc/init.d/$mta stop
+ stop amavis
+ stop clamd
+ ;;
+ irestart|ireload|iforce-reload)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 2
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# amavisd-cn /etc/init.d/ initscript wrapper for CARNetized amavisd-new
+# Start and stop Amavis, ClamAV and Postfix/Sendmail
+# Provides: amavisd-cn
+# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $named $network $time
+# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $syslog $named $network
+# Should-Start:
+# Should-Stop:
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: start and stop Amavis, ClamAV and Postfix/Sendmail
+# Description: wrapper for starting/stopping MTA and related services
+set -e
+# options for daemons:
+# name init.d/script user ps name for pgrep -f pidfile, relative to /var/run num-fds last-fd-name
+clamd clamav-daemon clamav /usr/sbin/clamd clamav/clamd.pid 5 clamav.log
+amavis amavis.amavisd-new amavis amavisd \\(master\\) amavis/amavisd.pid 5 socket
+# note: pgrep -f takes a regexp, and this is shell expanded once, hence \\
+start () {
+ local daemon IFSOLD name script user psname pidfile num fdname
+ daemon="$1"
+ IFS=" " # tab
+ read name script user psname pidfile num fdname <<-EOPTS
+ $(echo "$options" | sed 's/ */ /g' | grep ^$daemon)
+ /etc/init.d/$script start
+ wait_for_fds "$daemon"
+stop () {
+ local daemon IFSOLD name script user psname pidfile num fdname
+ daemon="$1"
+ n=10
+ IFS=" " # tab
+ read name script user psname pidfile num fdname <<-EOPTS
+ $(echo "$options" | sed 's/ */ /g' | grep ^$daemon)
+ /etc/init.d/$script stop
+ pkill -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null || true
+ while pgrep -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null && [ "$n" -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ n=$(($n-1))
+ done
+ pkill -9 -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null || true
+ #pkill -9 -u $user -x "$daemon"
+ if pgrep -u $user -f "$psname" > /dev/null; then # still there?
+ return 1
+ fi
+wait_for_fds () {
+ # wait until process shows some I/O readiness :)
+ local name IFSOLD num sleep maxtry script user psname pidfile fdname
+ name="$1"
+ [ -z "$name" ] && return 1
+ IFS=" " # tab
+ read name script user psname pidfile num fdname <<-EOPTS
+ $(echo "$options" | sed 's/ */ /g' | grep ^$name)
+ num=${num:-4}
+ sleep=${sleep:-1}
+ maxtry=${maxtry:-90}
+ if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then
+ pidfile=/var/run/$pidfile
+ findpid="[ -f $pidfile ] && cat $pidfile || true"
+ else
+ findpid="pgrep -u $user -f \"$psname\" -P 1 | head -1"
+ fi
+ # loop the loop the loop
+ try=1
+ while /bin/true
+ do
+ sleep $sleep # 1st, give it a chance to run
+ pid=`eval $findpid` # 2nd: find it
+ if [ ! -z "$pid" ]; then
+ count=`ls -1 /proc/$pid/fd 2>/dev/null| wc -l` # 3rd: count all it's worth
+ [ "$count" -ge "$num" ] && ls -l /proc/$pid/fd | grep -q $fdname \
+ && return # success -- release
+ fi
+ try=$(($try+1))
+ [ "0$try" -ge "0$maxtry" ] && return 1 # no luck this time
+ done
+# if we're called as amavisd-cn or amavis with start argument,
+# act like one; otherwise, pass the call down
+case "$(basename $0)" in
+ amavisd-cn)
+ arg="i$1"
+ ;;
+ amavis)
+ if [ "$1" = start ]; then
+ arg="i$1"
+ else
+ arg="$1"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ arg="$1"
+ ;;
+# If there's no diversion, play possum
+[ -x /etc/init.d/amavis.amavisd-new ] || exit 0
+case "$arg" in
+ start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|debug)
+ /etc/init.d/amavis.amavisd-new "$arg"
+ ;;
+ istart)
+ start clamd
+ start amavis
+ if [ -x "/etc/init.d/$mta" ]; then
+ if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
+ invoke-rc.d $mta start
+ else
+ /etc/init.d/$mta start
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ istop)
+ if [ -x "/etc/init.d/$mta" ]; then
+ if [ -x "`which invoke-rc.d 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
+ invoke-rc.d $mta stop
+ else
+ /etc/init.d/$mta stop
+ fi
+ fi
+ stop amavis
+ stop clamd
+ ;;
+ irestart|ireload|iforce-reload)
+ $0 stop
+ sleep 2
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+# This is the right place to customize your installation of SpamAssassin.
+# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details of what can be
+# tweaked.
+# This file was installed during the installation of SpamAssassin 3.1.0,
+# and contains plugin loading commands for the new plugins added in that
+# release. It will not be overwritten during future SpamAssassin installs,
+# so you can modify it to enable some disabled-by-default plugins below,
+# if you so wish.
+# There are now multiple files read to enable plugins in the
+# /etc/mail/spamassassin directory; previously only one, "init.pre" was
+# read. Now both "init.pre", "v310.pre", and any other files ending in
+# ".pre" will be read. As future releases are made, new plugins will be
+# added to new files, named according to the release they're added in.
+# DCC - perform DCC message checks.
+# DCC is disabled here because it is not open source. See the DCC
+# license for more details.
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC
+# Pyzor - perform Pyzor message checks.
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor
+# Razor2 - perform Razor2 message checks.
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2
+# SpamCop - perform SpamCop message reporting
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop
+# AntiVirus - some simple anti-virus checks, this is not a replacement
+# for an anti-virus filter like Clam AntiVirus
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AntiVirus
+# AWL - do auto-whitelist checks
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL
+# AutoLearnThreshold - threshold-based discriminator for Bayes auto-learning
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold
+# TextCat - language guesser
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat
+# AccessDB - lookup from-addresses in access database
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AccessDB
+# WhitelistSubject - Whitelist/Blacklist certain subject regular expressions
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject
+# experimental plugins
+# DomainKeys - perform DomainKeys verification
+# External modules required for use, see INSTALL for more information.
+# Note that this may be redundant if you also plan to use the DKIM plugin.
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DomainKeys
+# MIMEHeader - apply regexp rules against MIME headers in the message
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
+# ReplaceTags
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags
--- /dev/null
+# This is the right place to customize your installation of SpamAssassin.
+# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details of what can be
+# tweaked.
+# This file was installed during the installation of SpamAssassin 3.1.0,
+# and contains plugin loading commands for the new plugins added in that
+# release. It will not be overwritten during future SpamAssassin installs,
+# so you can modify it to enable some disabled-by-default plugins below,
+# if you so wish.
+# There are now multiple files read to enable plugins in the
+# /etc/mail/spamassassin directory; previously only one, "init.pre" was
+# read. Now both "init.pre", "v310.pre", and any other files ending in
+# ".pre" will be read. As future releases are made, new plugins will be
+# added to new files, named according to the release they're added in.
+# DCC - perform DCC message checks.
+# DCC is disabled here because it is not open source. See the DCC
+# license for more details.
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC
+# Pyzor - perform Pyzor message checks.
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor
+# Razor2 - perform Razor2 message checks.
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2
+# SpamCop - perform SpamCop message reporting
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop
+# AntiVirus - some simple anti-virus checks, this is not a replacement
+# for an anti-virus filter like Clam AntiVirus
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AntiVirus
+# AWL - do auto-whitelist checks
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL
+# AutoLearnThreshold - threshold-based discriminator for Bayes auto-learning
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold
+# TextCat - language guesser
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat
+# AccessDB - lookup from-addresses in access database
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AccessDB
+# WhitelistSubject - Whitelist/Blacklist certain subject regular expressions
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject
+# experimental plugins
+# DomainKeys - perform DomainKeys verification
+# External modules required for use, see INSTALL for more information.
+# Note that this may be redundant if you also plan to use the DKIM plugin.
+#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DomainKeys
+# MIMEHeader - apply regexp rules against MIME headers in the message
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader
+# ReplaceTags
+loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags
--- /dev/null
+# Begin update by CARNet package squirrelmail-cn -- DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!
+# Force SSL for /webmail -> you can still use /squirrelmail
+Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail
+<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
+ <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
+ <Location /webmail>
+ RewriteEngine on
+ RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
+ RewriteRule . https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L]
+ </Location>
+ </IfModule>
+# WARNING: This file is automatically included in each VirtualHost
+# entry you might have. Do not enable the VirtualHost example provided
+# in this file, it WILL break your Apache configuration. Copy the
+# VirtualHost section to the standard webserver configuration file
+# instead.
+# End update by CARNet package squirrelmail-cn -- DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!
+Alias /squirrelmail /usr/share/squirrelmail
+<Directory /usr/share/squirrelmail>
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
+ <IfModule mod_php4.c>
+ php_flag register_globals off
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule mod_php5.c>
+ php_flag register_globals off
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule mod_dir.c>
+ DirectoryIndex index.php
+ </IfModule>
+ # access to configtest is limited by default to prevent information leak
+ <Files configtest.php>
+ order deny,allow
+ deny from all
+ allow from
+ </Files>
+# users will prefer a simple URL like http://webmail.example.com
+# DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail
+# ServerName webmail.example.com
+# redirect to https when available (thanks omen@descolada.dartmouth.edu)
+# Note: There are multiple ways to do this, and which one is suitable for
+# your site's configuration depends. Consult the apache documentation if
+# you're unsure, as this example might not work everywhere.
+#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
+# <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
+# <Location /squirrelmail>
+# RewriteEngine on
+# RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !^on$ [NC]
+# RewriteRule . https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L]
+# </Location>
+# </IfModule>
--- /dev/null
+Alias /squirrelmail /usr/share/squirrelmail
+<Directory /usr/share/squirrelmail>
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
+ <IfModule mod_php4.c>
+ php_flag register_globals off
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule mod_php5.c>
+ php_flag register_globals off
+ </IfModule>
+ <IfModule mod_dir.c>
+ DirectoryIndex index.php
+ </IfModule>
+ # access to configtest is limited by default to prevent information leak
+ <Files configtest.php>
+ order deny,allow
+ deny from all
+ allow from
+ </Files>
+# users will prefer a simple URL like http://webmail.example.com
+# DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail
+# ServerName webmail.example.com
+# redirect to https when available (thanks omen@descolada.dartmouth.edu)
+# Note: There are multiple ways to do this, and which one is suitable for
+# your site's configuration depends. Consult the apache documentation if
+# you're unsure, as this example might not work everywhere.
+#<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
+# <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
+# <Location /squirrelmail>
+# RewriteEngine on
+# RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !^on$ [NC]
+# RewriteRule . https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L]
+# </Location>
+# </IfModule>
--- /dev/null
+# Example config file /etc/vsftpd.conf
+# The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file
+# loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable.
+# Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults.
+# READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options.
+# Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's
+# capabilities.
+# Run standalone? vsftpd can run either from an inetd or as a standalone
+# daemon started from an initscript.
+# Run standalone with IPv6?
+# Like the listen parameter, except vsftpd will listen on an IPv6 socket
+# instead of an IPv4 one. This parameter and the listen parameter are mutually
+# exclusive.
+# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
+# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
+# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
+# Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022,
+# if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's)
+# Uncomment this to allow the anonymous FTP user to upload files. This only
+# has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will
+# obviously need to create a directory writable by the FTP user.
+# Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create
+# new directories.
+# Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
+# go into a certain directory.
+# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.
+# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).
+# If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by
+# a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not
+# recommended!
+# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown
+# below.
+# If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format
+# You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.
+# You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.
+# It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the
+# ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.
+# Enable this and the server will recognise asynchronous ABOR requests. Not
+# recommended for security (the code is non-trivial). Not enabling it,
+# however, may confuse older FTP clients.
+# By default the server will pretend to allow ASCII mode but in fact ignore
+# the request. Turn on the below options to have the server actually do ASCII
+# mangling on files when in ASCII mode.
+# Beware that on some FTP servers, ASCII support allows a denial of service
+# attack (DoS) via the command "SIZE /big/file" in ASCII mode. vsftpd
+# predicted this attack and has always been safe, reporting the size of the
+# raw file.
+# ASCII mangling is a horrible feature of the protocol.
+# You may fully customise the login banner string:
+#ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service.
+# You may specify a file of disallowed anonymous e-mail addresses. Apparently
+# useful for combatting certain DoS attacks.
+# (default follows)
+# You may restrict local users to their home directories. See the FAQ for
+# the possible risks in this before using chroot_local_user or
+# chroot_list_enable below.
+# You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home
+# directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of
+# users to NOT chroot().
+# (default follows)
+# You may activate the "-R" option to the builtin ls. This is disabled by
+# default to avoid remote users being able to cause excessive I/O on large
+# sites. However, some broken FTP clients such as "ncftp" and "mirror" assume
+# the presence of the "-R" option, so there is a strong case for enabling it.
+# Debian customization
+# Some of vsftpd's settings don't fit the Debian filesystem layout by
+# default. These settings are more Debian-friendly.
+# This option should be the name of a directory which is empty. Also, the
+# directory should not be writable by the ftp user. This directory is used
+# as a secure chroot() jail at times vsftpd does not require filesystem
+# access.
+# This string is the name of the PAM service vsftpd will use.
+# This option specifies the location of the RSA certificate to use for SSL
+# encrypted connections.
--- /dev/null
+# Example config file /etc/vsftpd.conf
+# The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file
+# loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable.
+# Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults.
+# READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options.
+# Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's
+# capabilities.
+# Run standalone? vsftpd can run either from an inetd or as a standalone
+# daemon started from an initscript.
+# Run standalone with IPv6?
+# Like the listen parameter, except vsftpd will listen on an IPv6 socket
+# instead of an IPv4 one. This parameter and the listen parameter are mutually
+# exclusive.
+# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).
+# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.
+# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.
+# Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022,
+# if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's)
+# Uncomment this to allow the anonymous FTP user to upload files. This only
+# has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will
+# obviously need to create a directory writable by the FTP user.
+# Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create
+# new directories.
+# Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they
+# go into a certain directory.
+# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.
+# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data).
+# If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by
+# a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not
+# recommended!
+# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown
+# below.
+# If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format
+# You may change the default value for timing out an idle session.
+# You may change the default value for timing out a data connection.
+# It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the
+# ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user.
+# Enable this and the server will recognise asynchronous ABOR requests. Not
+# recommended for security (the code is non-trivial). Not enabling it,
+# however, may confuse older FTP clients.
+# By default the server will pretend to allow ASCII mode but in fact ignore
+# the request. Turn on the below options to have the server actually do ASCII
+# mangling on files when in ASCII mode.
+# Beware that on some FTP servers, ASCII support allows a denial of service
+# attack (DoS) via the command "SIZE /big/file" in ASCII mode. vsftpd
+# predicted this attack and has always been safe, reporting the size of the
+# raw file.
+# ASCII mangling is a horrible feature of the protocol.
+# You may fully customise the login banner string:
+#ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service.
+# You may specify a file of disallowed anonymous e-mail addresses. Apparently
+# useful for combatting certain DoS attacks.
+# (default follows)
+# You may restrict local users to their home directories. See the FAQ for
+# the possible risks in this before using chroot_local_user or
+# chroot_list_enable below.
+# You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home
+# directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of
+# users to NOT chroot().
+# (default follows)
+# You may activate the "-R" option to the builtin ls. This is disabled by
+# default to avoid remote users being able to cause excessive I/O on large
+# sites. However, some broken FTP clients such as "ncftp" and "mirror" assume
+# the presence of the "-R" option, so there is a strong case for enabling it.
+# Debian customization
+# Some of vsftpd's settings don't fit the Debian filesystem layout by
+# default. These settings are more Debian-friendly.
+# This option should be the name of a directory which is empty. Also, the
+# directory should not be writable by the ftp user. This directory is used
+# as a secure chroot() jail at times vsftpd does not require filesystem
+# access.
+# This string is the name of the PAM service vsftpd will use.
+# This option specifies the location of the RSA certificate to use for SSL
+# encrypted connections.