apache2-cn (2.2-5) stable; urgency=low
* Upgrade paketa za Debian lenny.
+ * Iz datoteke debian/postinst izbacen kod koji vise nije
+ potreban - ono sto vise nije potrebno provjeravati i/ili
+ ispravljati na novoj Debian lenny distribuciji.
+ * Podesene nove ovisnosti u debian/control, dodana preporuka
+ za mod-security-cn.
+ * Umjesto 'apache2 force-reload' koristi se 'apache2 restart'.
-- Dragan Dosen <ddosen@ffzg.hr> Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:13:48 +0200
Package: apache2-cn
Architecture: all
Depends: apache2-mpm-prefork (>= 2.2.9-10+lenny2), apache2 (>= 2.2.9-10+lenny2), apache2-suexec (>= 2.2.9-10+lenny2), apache2 (<< 2.3), php5-cn (>= 5.2.6-1), carnet-tools-cn (>= 2.8.1), ${perl:Depends}, ssl-cert, procps, debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.0, postfix | mail-transport-agent
-Suggests: apache2-doc, ca-certificates, monit-cn
+Suggests: mod-security-cn, apache2-doc, ca-certificates, monit-cn
Description: Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threaded model (CARNet configuration)
Each Apache Multi-Processing Module provides a different "flavor" of
web server binary, compiled with a different processing model.