[carnet-tools-cn.git] / cp-update
2006-03-14 Damir Dzekor99: minor version update
2006-03-08 Damir Dzekor98: cp-update total delete bugfix (LinesCount)
2006-03-08 Damir Dzekor97: Fixed problem of "failed write" when the output...
2005-12-26 Damir Dzekor90: Dodan --change u cp-update
2005-04-08 Damir Dzekor46: -ispravka u cp-update (regexp-match = default)
2005-04-05 Damir Dzekor41: Minor bugfix (implicit placement warning)
2005-03-29 Damir Dzekor29: Almost ready for new release (cp-update)
2005-03-29 Damir Dzekor26: set -e bug corrected in cp_check_and_sed
2005-03-20 Damir Dzekor1: [svn-inject] Installing original source of carnet...