#!/bin/sh [ "$1" = "configure" ] || exit 0 [ "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ] && set -x # Load CARNet Tools . /usr/share/carnet-tools/functions.sh # Debconf . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule # Get some useful functions (apache-common) . /usr/share/apache/postinst.common dir=/var/www/webalizer htpasswd=$dir/.htpasswd CONF=/etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf BACKUPDIR=/var/backups CONFBAK=$BACKUPDIR/`basename $CONF`.bak oldreporttitle="Usage Statistics for" reporttitle="Statistika pristupa za" # Check if there is some old webalizer-cn.conf file in Apache 1.x conf.d directory -ddosen if [ -f "/etc/apache/conf.d/webalizer-cn.conf" ]; then if ! cmp -s "/etc/apache/conf.d/webalizer-cn.conf" "/etc/apache2/conf.d/webalizer-cn.conf"; then mv /etc/apache/conf.d/webalizer-cn.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/webalizer-cn.conf fi fi temp=`pget $CONF OutputDir |tail -n 1|awk '{print $NF}'` if [ "$temp" != "$dir" ]; then #cp_echo "CN: Found custom OutputDir value: $temp, not touching anything!" db_set webalizer/directory "$temp" || true fi # Customise ReportTitle temp=`pget $CONF ReportTitle |tail -n 1|perl -pe 's/(ReportTitle\s+?)(.*$)/$2/'` if [ "$temp" = "$oldreporttitle" ]; then pset $CONF ReportTitle "$reporttitle" db_set webalizer/doc_title "$reporttitle" || true fi db_stop # Reload Apache2 web server if [ -x /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 reload || true fi # Send mail with informations if [ ! -f $htpasswd ]; then passwd=`makepasswd` htpasswd -bc $htpasswd admin $passwd 2> /dev/null cp_echo "" cp_echo "CN: Webalizer URL is http://`hostname -f`/stats/" cp_echo "CN: User: admin" cp_echo "CN: Password: $passwd" cp_echo "" cp_echo "CN: Use \"htpasswd $htpasswd admin\" to change it." cp_mail "webalizer-cn" fi