-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- __________________________________________________________ The U.S. Department of Energy Computer Incident Advisory Capability ___ __ __ _ ___ / | /_\ / \___ __|__ / \ \___ __________________________________________________________ INFORMATION BULLETIN Protecting SGI IRIX Systems Against SATAN May 11, 1995 1300 PDT Number F-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEM: SATAN, a tool for scanning Unix systems was released on April 5. The tools identifies exploitable vulnerabilities, most of which can be patched. PLATFORM: This bulletin focuses on SATAN's impact on SGI IRIX Systems. DAMAGE: Anyone running SATAN can gain vulnerability information that can be exploited with other tools to gain privileged access. SOLUTION: Update all SGI IRIX systems with the patches identified below. AVAILABILITY: All patches are available now. _______________________________________________________________________________ VULNERABILITY When SATAN was released via the Internet on April 5, it ASSESSMENT: became available to anyone, including system administrators and security specialists who protect corporate systems. It is also available to others who could use it to gain information about unpatched system vulnerabilities and then exploit these vulnerabilities with other tools to gain unauthorized access. _______________________________________________________________________________ CRITICAL Information for patching SGI IRIX Vulnerabilities CIAC has obtained information from SGI describing the specific patches for the vulnerabilities SATAN will scan for. Specific patch details are provided below. [BEGINNING OF SGI IRIX BULLETIN] - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ________________________________________________________________________________ Silicon Graphics Inc. Security Advisory Title: Release of SANTA/SATAN tool and SGI specifics Title: CERT CA-95:06 Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks Number: 19950401-01-I Date: April 5, 1995 ________________________________________________________________________________ Silicon Graphics provides this information freely to the SGI community for its consideration, interpretation and implementation. Silicon Graphics recommends that this information be acted upon as soon as possible. Silicon Graphics will not be liable for any consequential damages arising from the use of, or failure to use or use properly, any of the instructions or information in this Security Advisory. ________________________________________________________________________________ The Silicon Graphics Incorporated Engineering and Customer Support Divisions have investigated the SATAN program and have completed this document to assist and inform ALL SGI customers in regards to SATAN issues. - - -------------------- - - -- What is SATAN? -- - - -------------------- The Security Analysis Network Tool for Administrators/Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks, also known as SANTA/SATAN, is a graphical administrator's tool that can remotely probe and analyze potential security issues on a wide variety of computer platforms. SATAN is scheduled to be released on April 5, 1995 at 14:00 GMT. Using the SATAN program, probes can be performed at several levels of increasing concentration, from light to heavy. The target of the probes can be on either a specific host, group of hosts or a network of hosts. At the conclusion of any probe, a complete report of potential security problems is provided. Each problem is briefly described, along with pointers to known patches and/or work-arounds. As part of the probe activity, SATAN also gathers general network information, including overall network topology, running network services, and types of hardware and software being used. Of particular note is the "exploratory mode" of SATAN. When probing in "exploratory mode," SATAN will probe hosts that have not been explicitly specified. These unspecified hosts are selected based on security problems found on initially specified hosts. This could result in SATAN probing not only targeted hosts, but also hosts outside your administrative domain and could be perceived as an attack. Be aware that unauthorized access to computer systems may expose you to potential civil liabilities and criminal penalties. The design of the SATAN provides for flexible extensibility via perl scripts. It is expected that many future extensions will be made available publically and privately for probing and/or exploiting security vulnerabilities. At this time, the initial version of SATAN does not actively exploit the vulnerabilities it finds. Please note that SGI does not provide, support or assist with the use of SATAN. However, SGI is very interested in investigating all potential IRIX security vulnerabilities discovered, whether by SATAN or other means. - - -------------------------------------- - - -- Where can the SATAN program and -- - - -- SATAN documentation be obtained? -- - - -------------------------------------- ***** Please note that SGI does not provide, support or assist with the use of SATAN. ***** SATAN information and documentation is available via WWW browser with: ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/security/satan_doc.tar.Z http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/ToolsUnixNetSec.html#Satan Or via anonymous ftp site : ftp.win.tue.nl in the directory: /pub/security/satan_doc.tar.Z Further documents are also available through a mail server provided by one of the SATAN authors. Send mail to: majordomo@wzv.win.tue.nl and put in one or any combination of following lines in the body (not the Subject:) of the mail: get satan mirror-sites get satan release-plan get satan description get satan admin-guide-to-cracking.101 It should be noted that the last document, admin-guide-to-cracking.101, contains "Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into It," a 1993 paper in which the SATAN authors give their rationale for creating the program SATAN. - - ---------------------------------------------------- - - -- SATAN Vulnerabilities Probes and SGI Specifics -- - - ---------------------------------------------------- In any environment, customers themselves must assess the work requirements and security vulnerabilities of their systems in order to take actions appropriate to the level of exposure noted in these assessments and all security issues. A system directly accessible from the Internet, i.e. not protected by firewalls, is significantly more vulnerable than a system in a collaborative environment protected from outside access. There is specific advice on a number of security related topics in the "Advanced Site and Server Administration Guide," particularly in Chapters 12 and 16, and in the IRIX on-line manual pages for the programs being examined by SATAN. In the details provided below, specific IRIX release specifics are mentioned when possible. When no specific release is indicated, the information applies to all IRIX releases. A. Writable ~ftp home directory The manual page for ftpd(1m) is recommended as the primary reference source for anonymous ftp service information. It must be noted that, although the manual page for ftpd(1m) in its description of how to setup an anonymous ftp service recommends that the ~ftp directory be owned by ftp and be mode 555, sites directly connected to the Internet should change the ownership of this directory to bin to preclude an external user modifying the permissions on the home directory. Additionally, care must be taken to follow the directions in the ftpd(1m) manual pages in setting up an anonymous ftp account. Anonymous ftp accounts are intrinsically vulnerable to misuse, so care and constant monitoring are critical. B. Unprivileged NFS access Although the mount daemon (mountd(1m)) permits access from unprivileged ports, this should be enabled only when specifically required, e.g. when access from a non-standard system is needed. Systems directly exposed to the Internet should not export any file systems and should disable mountd by editing /etc/inetd.conf (/usr/etc/inetd.conf for IRIX 4.x) as according to the manual page, mountd(1M). C. Unrestricted NFS export As shipped from the factory, IRIX does not export any file systems for remote NFS access. When it is required to export a file system, if possible, restricting NFS access to specific hosts and users might be considered. These restrictions can be established by editing /etc/exports in accordance with the the manual pages, exportfs(1M) and exports(4). D. NIS password file access NIS can be very useful in collaborative environments, but it is extremely vulnerable to a variety of threats. In sites where sensitive information must be protected, and where such activities as password- cracking or NIS server-spoofing cannot be prevented through administrative controls, NIS should not be used for passwords. Such sites could consider the use of shadow passwords on vulnerable systems to reduce the possibility of password-cracking. Systems directly exposed to the Internet should not use NIS and should not expose NIS servers behind the firewall. E. Portmap forwarding Systems directly exposed to the Internet should reduce the remotely invocable services supported to a level necessary to provide the required services. Generally, such a system should not be providing RPC services via portmap or rpcbind to the outside world, as these services were designed for collaborative environments, and do not have strong security protections. At those sites, where organizational needs require that these systems support RPC services, portmapper restrictions should be considered. Restrictions such as - - -a mask,match which restricts access to specified networks, and -v which logs accesses from unprivileged ports are useful. These arguments are defined in the /etc/config/portmap.options file as outlined in the manual page, portmap(1M). F. tftp file access As shipped from the factory, tftp is secured with the -s option. However, the Installation guide and other installation documents will frequently have this turned off to accomplish a specific task. The manual page for tftpd and inetd, tftpd(1M) and inetd(1M), are to be referred to for ensuring the correct use of the -s option. The factory default is tftp dgram udp wait guest /usr/etc/tftpd tftpd -s \ /usr/local/boot /usr/etc/boot G. Remote shell (rsh) access As stated above, systems that are directly accessible (no firewall) to the Internet should restrict the remotely invocable services on that system to the absolute minimum necessary to perform the required function(s). As shipped from the factory, the IRIX operating system environment permits a fairly wide range of services through inetd(1M). Sites should reduce the available services by editing /etc/inetd.conf per the manual pages and refreshing inetd with the new configuration via "killall -HUP inetd". To remove a service, either comment the service out with a "#" character as the first character of the line, or remove the service line entirely from the file. Services left accessible can be configured to improve security by using certain options. Below, some options to consider are listed, but the manual pages should be referred to for completeness. rlogind use '-l' to disable validation using .rhosts files fingerd use '-l' to log all connections use '-S' to suppress information about login status, home directory, and shell use '-f msg-file' to make it just display that file rshd use 'a' to verify that all incoming remote host names and addresses match use '-l' to disable validation using .rhosts files use '-L' to log all access attempts to syslog For standard logins, it is prudent to enhance security with several options as described in the manual pages for login, login(1). login set MANDPASS=YES set SYSLOG=ALL set LOCKOUT=5 H. Vulnerability in rexd configuration The Remote Execution daemon, rexd, is an example of a service that is inappropriate on systems directly exposed to the Internet. The rexd daemon assumes a collaborative environment in making access control decisions. As such, the rexd program should be disabled by editing /etc/inetd.conf (on 5.x, 6.x) or /usr/etc/inetd.con (on 4.x) file as described above and in the manual pages, rexd(1M). The line below illustrates a disabled rexd program. #rexd/1 stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/etc/rpc.rexd rexd I. Sendmail vulnerabilities SGI Security Advisory 19950201-02 addresses sendmail vulnerabilities recently reported in CERT 95:05. The advisory provides patch information on obtaining patch 332 that provides a 8.6.10 sendmail program. By connecting to the SMTP port, SATAN attempts to determine the version of sendmail running and determine secureness. SATAN's assessment may be incorrect even when the patch is installed. See the "SGI Patch Information" section below for further information on obtaining patches. J. Unrestricted X server access As factory shipped, IRIX fosters a cooperative X work environment between workstations by permitting remote systems to access the local X server. In less friendly environments, this can be considered a vulnerability. If this is an issue for a given site or system, some issues may be be addressed with the following steps and configuration, which are documented in the manual pages, xhost(1), xmd(1), Xsgi(1), and xauth(1). Additionally, it is highly recommended to read the "X Window System System Administrator's Guide", O'Reilly Vol. 8. from O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN 0-937175-83-8. 1) Become root. % /bin/su - Password: # 2) Edit the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers and add the line below. Normally there is only 1 line, but for TKO, be sure this is added for each Xserver. add option '-shmnumclients 0' 3) Save file. 4) Edit the /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config and make the following change. DisplayManager*authorize: off to DisplayManager*authorize: on 5) Save the file. 6) Edit the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt (or Xsession if not using the IndigoMagic desktop) and make the following change. # Gives anyone on any host access to this display /usr/bin/X11/xhost + to # restrict access to this host /usr/bin/X11/xhost - 7) Save the file. 8) Remove any 'xhost +' from the files /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession* 9) Remove any 'xhost +' from users private .xsession files 10) Remove any /etc/X0.hosts or /etc/X.hosts files. 11) Ensure the proper permissions and ownership on the following important X configuration files. Use the chown and chmod commands to adjust accordingly. Permissions owner group file -r--r--r-- root sys /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xlogin -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xreset -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xstartup -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xstartup-remote -r--r--r-- root sys /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/bin/X11/X lrwxr-xr-x root sys /X11/Xsgi -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/bin/X11/xdm -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/bin/X11/xauth -rwxr-xr-x root sys /usr/bin/X11/xhost 12) Restart the graphics system. # /usr/gfx/stopgfx; /usr/gfx/startgfx & K. NTP vulnerabilities Silicon Graphics Incorporated does not provide or support NTP. - - --------------------------- - - -- SGI Patch Information -- - - --------------------------- When an IRIX security vulnerability is found, SGI will investigate the vulnerability and may generate a patch. Patches generated specially for security-related issues are freely available to all requesting customers. IRIX 4.x patches come as tar-bundled binaries and documentation that must be manually installed. Installation instructions are provided with the tar-bundle. For IRIX 5.1 and 5.1.x there are no security patches available. Upgrading to 5.2 or 5.3 is suggested. Patches provided for IRIX 5.2, 5.3 and 6.x are inst images and require a patch aware /usr/sbin/inst program. The stock IRIX 5.2 /usr/sbin/inst program is not patch-aware and must be updated. Patch 84 provides a patch aware inst program for IRIX 5.2. Security patches can be found on SGI anonymous ftp servers: ftp.sgi.com:~ftp/patches or sgigate.sgi.com:~ftp/patches *NOTE*: If a particular file is not found on one, please check the other site. For each security patch a file containing chksum and PGP information for that patch has been generated by the SGI Customer Security Coordinator. The SGI Security Coordinator Public key can be found at: ftp.sgi.com:~ftp/security/agent99.pgp.key.asc or sgigate.sgi.com:~ftp/security/agent99.pgp.key.asc For key fingerprint verification of the above, call +1-415-390-2965. - - ----------------------------- - - -- SGI Security Advisories -- - - ----------------------------- SGI reports security vulnerabilities to the SGI community via Silicon Graphics Incorporated Security Advisories. This document is one such document. An archive of these documents can be found on SGI anonymous ftp servers: ftp.sgi.com:~ftp/security or sgigate.sgi.com:~ftp/security *NOTE*: If a particular file is not found on one, please check the other site. All Security Advisories are PGP digitally signed by the SGI Customer Security Coordinator. The SGI Security Coordinator Public key can be found at: ftp.sgi.com:~ftp/security/agent99.pgp.key.asc or sgigate.sgi.com:~ftp/security/agent99.pgp.key.asc For key fingerprint verification of the above, call +1-415-390-2965. - - -------------------------- - - -- Other security tools -- - - -------------------------- The following tools are publicly available via ftp and could potentially improve a site's security. They are documented here for information only and are not provided, endorsed or supported by SGI. COPS and ISS are programs that check for vulnerabilities and configuration weaknesses. CERT advisory CA-93:14 and CA-93:14.README contain information about ISS. COPS is available from: ftp://info.cert.org:/pub/tools/cops/* ISS is available from: ftp://ftp.uu.net:/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume39/iss The TCP wrappers system can provide access control and flexible logging for most network services. With proper configuration and use, potential network attacks can be prevent and/or detected. TCP wrappers is available from: ftp://info.cert.org:/pub/tools/tcp_wrappers/* The Swatch log file monitor identifies patterns in log file entries and attempts to associate entries with specific actions. Swatch software is available from: ftp://ee.stanford.edu:/pub/sources/swatch.tar.Z The Rscan program by Nate Sammons checks for many common IRIX-specific security bugs and problems. Rscan is available from: ftp://ftp.vis.colostate.edu/pub/rscan The Courtney package monitors the network and identifies the source machines of potential SATAN probes/attacks. Using a second package, tcpdump, Courtney counts the number of new services requests a machine originates within a certain time period. To Courtney, excessive service requests from a particular machine could indicate it as a potential SATAN probe/attacking host. Courtney software is available from: ftp://ciac.llnl.gov/pub/ciac/sectools/unix/courtney.tar.Z tcpdump software is available from: ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/tcpdump-3.0.tar.Z *Note: the Courtney program requires a correction in order to run on IRIX. The file print-arp.c uses ETHERTYPE_ID which is undefined in IRIX. In places where it is referenced, it needs to be changed to look like: if ((pro != ETHERTYPE_IP #ifdef ETHERTYPE_TRAIL && pro != ETHERTYPE_TRAIL #endif - - ----------------------------------- - - -- Reporting SGI Vulnerabilities -- - - -- Further Information/Contacts -- - - ----------------------------------- For obtaining security information, patches or assistance, please contact your SGI support provider. If there are questions about this document, email can be sent to: cse-security-alert@csd.sgi.com For reporting *NEW* SGI security issues, email can be sent to: security-alert@sgi.com Please use these aliases wisely. Excessive unnecessary traffic can hinder problem assistance. Do not include the aliases in CC: lists without prudent consideration. - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6 iQCVAwUBL4QdobQ4cFApAP75AQFXJgP/Yyv0UhzvAGesgc8tT2aZY3kjyLwlFT8t 6aYjviEDOsm/aMzUKffkqxzcM+yE7kXslk+0Qvw4jCGZjiMzE0h6mYONacRo5xjU QqLILtbi0j96UIxqT6L0T/FCVoPsHxV/kLW/iVId8HZ9NuZX50MbRaQ2uPwH9Rwd xJG+KHbrTVI= =lAHY - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- [END OF SGI IRIX BULLETIN] CIAC recently released CIAC NOTES 07 article (April 5, 1995) that is devoted to SATAN. The article was based on beta-releases of SATAN and is applicable to the current version 1.0 release of SATAN. There were no major operational changes between the latest beta release and the current version 1.0 public release. By configuring a system correctly, installing all the latest patches, and monitoring system usage, most of SATAN's techniques can be countered, or at a minimum detected. Unfortunately, complete protection from SATAN is difficult. Most of the vulnerabilities it looks for are easily addressable, but some do not yet have satisfactory solutions. CIAC has recently written a program to defend against SATAN and other similar tools. The program, called Courtney, monitors the connections to the ports probed by SATAN. When an attack by SATAN takes place, the offending host will be reported. CIAC has also make available the current release of SATAN SATAN is made up of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents, C code, and Perl scripts which generate HTML code dynamically. It requires an HTML viewer (Mosaic, Netscape, or Lynx), a C compiler, and PERL version 5. The user simply interacts with a WWW client, entering necessary data into forms. The control panel for SATAN provides four hypertext options: Target Selection, Reporting & Data Analysis, Documentation, and Configuration & Administration. Refer to CIAC Notes 7 for an indepth look at SATAN. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ CIAC is the computer security incident response team for the U.S. Department of Energy. Services are available free of charge to DOE and DOE contractors. For emergencies and off-hour assistance, DOE and DOE contractor sites can contact CIAC 24-hours a day via an integrated voicemail and SKYPAGE number. To use this service, dial 1-510-422-8193 or 1-800-759-7243 (SKYPAGE). The primary SKYPAGE PIN number, 8550070 is for the CIAC duty person. A second PIN, 8550074 is for the CIAC Project Leader. CIAC's FAX number is 510-423-8002, and the STU-III number is 510- 423-2604. Send E-mail to ciac@llnl.gov. Previous CIAC notices, anti-virus software, and other information are available on the CIAC Bulletin Board and the CIAC Anonymous FTP server. The CIAC Bulletin Board is accessed at 1200 or 2400 baud at 510-423-4753 and 9600 baud at 510-423-3331. The CIAC Anonymous FTP server is available on the Internet at ciac.llnl.gov (IP address CIAC has several self-subscribing mailing lists for electronic publications: CIAC- BULLETIN, CIAC-NOTES , SPI-ANNOUNCE, and SPI-NOTES.To subscribe (add yourself) to one of our mailing lists, send requests of the following form to ciac- listproc@llnl.gov: subscribe list-name LastName, FirstName PhoneNumber For additional information or assistance, please contact CIAC: Voice: 510-422-8193 FAX: 510-423-8002 STU-III: 510-423-2604 E-mail: ciac@llnl.gov ATTENTION!! CIAC now has a web server at http://ciac.llnl.gov. This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. CIAC BULLETINS ISSUED IN FY95 (Previous bulletins available from CIAC) (F-01) SGI IRIX serial_ports Vulnerability (F-02) Summary of HP Security Bulletins (F-03) Restricted Distribution (F-04) Security Vulnerabilities in DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS (F-05) SCO Unix at, login, prwarn, sadc, and pt_chmod Patches Available (F-06) Novell UnixWare sadc, urestore, and suid_exec Vulnerabilities (F-07) New and Revised HP Bulletins (F-08) Internet Address Spoofing and Hijacked Session Attacks (F-09) Unix /bin/mail Vulnerabilities (F-10) HP-UX Remote Watch (F-11) Unix NCSA httpd Vulnerability (F-12) Kerberos Telnet Encryption Vulnerability (F-13) Unix sendmail vulnerabilities (F-14) HP-UX Malicious Code Sequences (F-15) HP-UX "at" and "cron" vulnerabilities (F-16) SGI IRIX Desktop Permissions Tool Vulnerability (F-17) Limited Distribution (F-18) MPE/iX Vulnerabilities (F-19) Protecting HP-UX Systems Against SATAN (F-20) Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN) (F-21) Protecting SUN OS Systems Against SATAN (F-22) SATAN Password Disclosure (F-23) Protecting IBM AIX Systems Against SATAN CIAC NOTES ISSUED IN FY1995 (Previous Notes available from CIAC) 04c December 8, 1994 05d January 11, 1995 06 March 22, 1995 07 March 29, 1995 08 April 4, 1995 09 April 24, 1995 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBL7J3HbnzJzdsy3QZAQHxRgQApv74yRgnZ7Jv4rPlW6aF8yypn2BGIdDR ImJ8F2DmUmu8H1ujTFI4JYnv3lYgxAot9hFzg77U5LNnrcrAEWfs6/dAFHUdIZDk TXeX/QDuVkbfz/RAs6xkupPGGBIRSiK69Lv4rsvEu5aEbNDNC/27qUKEGiWjyytD mkAc3bYpb3w= =PIpB -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----