; CIAC DOCUMENTS ; ; The documents in this directory are special CIAC and other documents ; that cover various aspects of computer security. Documents with the ; extension .TXT are text documents and should be downloaded with a ; text protocol so that the end of line characters are correctly adjusted. ; Documents with a .PDF extension are Adobe Acrobat 2.0 files and must ; be read with an Adobe Acrobat 2.0 reader. Acrobat readers are available ; at no charge from http://www.adobe.com or ftp://ftp.adobe.com ; for most platforms. ; ; ---------- CIAC Documents ---------- ; CIAC 2300 series documents ; ; CIAC-2300 Index to the CIAC 2300 series documents. ciac2300.pdf ciac2300.pdf ciac2300.txt ciac2300.txt ; ; CIAC-2301 Virus Information Update 3/97a. ciac2301.txt ciac2301.txt ciac2301.pdf ciac2301.pdf ; ; CIAC-2302 Using the CIAC archives ciac2302.txt ciac2302.txt ciac2302.pdf ciac2302.pdf ; ; CIAC-2303 The Console Password For DEC Workstations ciac2303.txt ciac2303.txt ciac2303.pdf ciac2303.pdf ; ; CIAC-2304 Data Security Vulnerabilities of Facsimile Machines and ; Digital Copiers ciac2304.txt ciac2304.txt ciac2304.pdf ciac2304.pdf ; ; CIAC-2305 Unix Incident Gd: How to Detect an Intrusion ciac2305.txt ciac2305.txt ciac2305.pdf ciac2305.pdf ; ; CIAC-2307 Electronic Resources for Security Related Information ciac2307.txt ciac2307.txt ciac2307.pdf ciac2307.pdf ; ; CIAC-2308 Securing Internet Information Servers ciac2308.txt ciac2308.txt ciac2308.pdf ciac2308.pdf ; ; CIAC-2311 Using Data Physician Plus! on DOE Computers ciac2311.txt ciac2311.txt ciac2311.pdf ciac2311.pdf ; ; CIAC-2315 The Disinfectant Package for Macintosh Computers ciac2315.txt ciac2315.txt ciac2315.pdf ciac2315.pdf ; ; CIAC-2316 Securing X Windows ciac2316.txt ciac2316.txt ciac2316.pdf ciac2316.pdf ; ; CIAC Incident Handling Guidelines ihg.txt ihg.txt ihg.ps ihg.ps ihgsit.hqx ihgsit.hqx ; ;User accountability document acct.txt acct.txt ; ; ---------- Other Security Documents ------ ;IMPROVING THE SECURITY OF YOUR UNIX SYSTEM (SRI) curry.txt curry.txt Curry; Improving Unix Security.. curry.ps curry.ps ; ;Incident Handling Primer ;Coping with the Threat of Computer Security Incidents readme.txt readme.txt ReadMe file for the Primer. primer.ps primer.ps pri-ps.z pri-ps.z Compressed (.Z) PS version primer.tar primer.tar .TAR version. pri-tar.z primer-tar.z Compressed (.Z) .TAR version primer.txt primer.txt Text version. ; ;Terminal Servers and Network Security esnet.txt esnet.txt ; ;----------CIAC Virus Database----------- virusdb.txt virusdb.txt CIAC Virus database 3/95